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Mineral springs and vitality boosts


Medical wellness has a long tradition in Burgenland. You are in the reliable hands of experienced experts. In Burgenland, as well as the sunshine, treatments have traditionally used the power of local natural resources such as the thermal and mineral waters, springs, Heilmoor clay, and the elements and residues of wine.

The classic treatments at the REDUCE health resort in Bad Tatzmannsdorf work on diseases of the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems, using mineral springs and thermal waters as well as Heilmoor clay – and have been doing so since the early 17th century. 

The Kurhaus Marienkron, run by Cistercian nuns, is a holistic “Gut & Health Center” offering all you need to improve how you feel inside – from massages, baths, castings, and meditation to dietary plans and various forms of fasting.

At the Bad Sauerbrunn health center, the local medicinal waters and mineral spring sources are incorporated into traditional treatments to help people with musculoskeletal, heart, circulatory system and kidney conditions.

Preventive care and healing with active natural ingredients – scientifically sound and sustainable: You’re always in good hands in Burgenland’s health resorts. When are you going to experience the potential of Burgenland’s natural wonders?

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