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Rosalia-Kogelberg Nature Park

Paradise on your doorstep

The youngest of the nature parks in Burgenland encompasses thirteen towns in the Mattersburg district. Two nature reserves and the Natura 2000-Bird Conservation Area Mattersburger Hügelland have been combined between the Rosalia and Ödenburg Mountains and the Kogelberg. 

The landscape is unique and varied: Reedy ponds, hay meadows, dry grasslands, mixed orchards and long hedges in between – surrounded by forests. All this interspersed with fields and typical vineyards. Rosalia-Kogelberg Nature Park covers a total of 7,500 ha and there is so much to discover. 

The park not only protects a wide variety of rare and endangered animal and plant species, it also offers sports enthusiasts plenty of space and numerous opportunities to recharge their batteries surrounded by nature, such as by cycling or hiking. The region offers trails for both mountain bikers and leisure cyclists. Visitors can reward themselves by indulging in strawberries, fruit juices, jams, and honey from the “sweet region”. 

The Rohrbach pond meadows are considered an insider tip among bird watchers, as protected species such as night herons, the marsh harrier, the little bittern, the spotted crake, and white stork breed here. In the spring, numerous amphibians migrate to the pond to spawn. From agile frogs and grass frogs to common toads, fire-bellied toads, and Danube crested newts, more than 10,000 of the creatures are counted annually. The scops owl found on the nature park’s logo is considered most in need of protection.

As you will see: A visit can captivate the body, mind, and soul. Ready for a visit to Burgenland’s youngest park?

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