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Welcome to the Uhrenstube Aschau

The collection focuses on early tower clocks and roasting turners from over five centuries - from the Gothic to the Renaissance and from the Baroque to the early Industrial Age. The wheel movements made of wrought iron or wood illustrate the development of technology, craftsmanship, the form and design of clocks, as well as their regional characteristics.

The exhibits in the clock room, supplemented by descriptions and display boards, show the visitor the history of clocks and watchmaking. The tower clocks and roast turners of the Uhrenstube Aschau are part of the clock collection of Ing. Wolfgang Komzak, who started collecting antique clocks in 1963. The collection consists of wall and console clocks, floor standing clocks, clocks with musical movements and other clocks from the 15th - 19th century, the style periods of the Gothic and Renaissance, the Baroque and the early industrial age.

The collection of the Uhrenstube Aschau focuses on early forged tower clocks of the Gothic and Renaissance periods and those with wooden wheels. Most of the exhibits come from Austria, or rather from the cultural circle of the former k.u.k. monarchy. The regional focus of the collection includes tower clocks and roasting turners from Burgenland, the border triangle of Burgenland, Lower Austria, Styria and Western Hungary. The oldest tower clock in the collection was made around 1460 to 1470 in Steyr, Upper Austria.

It is the oldest currently known tower clock in Austria. Another tower clock from Burgenland, a Gothic tower clock from the 1st half of the 16th century, stood in the parish church of Litzelsdorf. A highlight of the collection are some tower clocks and roasting turners which were made entirely of wood. These extremely rare works are a point of attraction for many international experts.

An essential feature of the collection is that it is first and foremost the work of the clock, which gives it its life, that is shown in its technical, craftsmanship and design diversity. Over the years, the collection has grown to 64 tower clocks and 27 roasting jacks, making it one of the largest and, above all, most important collections in Central Europe due to its extensive holdings of Gothic exhibits. In the showrooms, text panels explain the history, craft and technology of the development of clocks and tower clocks on the basis of the exhibited specimens. An essential feature of the collection is that it is primarily the work of the clock, which gives it life in the first place, that is shown in its technical, craftsmanship and design diversity. Most of the works are in working order and are set in motion during the guided tours.

Visits by appointment only!

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