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moderate rain

5° / 10°

7 %
Wind speed
5 km/h
  • Saturdaymoderate rain

    5° / 8°

  • Sundaycloudy

    4° / 10°

  • Mondaymainly clear

    1° / 11°

Located directly on the Lafnitz, the border river between Burgenland and Styria, a TSCHARTAKE was faithfully recreated.

The Tschartaken were border towers in a defense system, which should protect the population at the beginning of the 18th century against the incursions of the Magyar Kurucs.

The chartakes were places of observation and defense, built like a lookout tower and provided with palisades in the lower part. All around they were often secured with redoubts and entrenchments, ditches and ramparts. Chartakes were usually built in lines to transmit visual and acoustic messages. The term chartake comes from Persian and in its original form means "four tree trunks", which means these lookout towers were built on four tree trunks.

The Ottomans adopted this device from their eastern border neighbors, the Persians, with whom they had been enemies for a long time, and used it against their western enemies. Thus, the chartacks reached the Styrian-Hungarian border area and were again adopted here by the "enemies".

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