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Archaeology Hiking Trail Schattendorf


Along a 7km long walk in and around Schattendorf you can visit the archaeological sites.

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The walk through the millennia begins in front of the Schuh mill in Schattendorf. There next to the Tauscherbach a Rennofen was built and iron was produced for the first time in 2000 years. The approx. 7 km long path leads along the main road, to the Hadspitzwald, over the Krippelberg again towards the village and Schuh-Mühle.

The first stop leads to the settlement site of the Neolithic Schattendorfer. A board in front of the site gives insight into the life of the Stone Age, with which tools were worked or how the houses were built at that time.

The route continues towards the north to the second station, in the so-called "Hadspitzwald" to the "7 hills", as they are popularly called. Just before entering the forest, a plaque awaits with a short introduction to the burial customs and beliefs of people in the older Iron Age, as well as a plan of the tumulus field. Until the next station in the northern direction, let yourself be enchanted by the slightly hilly landscape and imagine the life in past times in this area.

For the third station, a leap in time of over two millennia is necessary. Schattendorf is known to many people in connection with the "Schattendorf shootings" in 1927. The resting place "Grimmingkreuz" is perfect for a short break with possible wine tasting. (Advance booking in the Schuh-Mühle) As a ground monument visible above ground, a tank ditch from the Second World War still cuts through the landscape in the northwestern part of the municipal area. The "Ostwall" runs further into the municipal area of Baumgarten. All information about its function can be seen on a plaque, just like at the other stations.

On the way back to the east on the Kräftenweg you will see, in the direction of the train station, a slight rise parallel above the railroad road. This path was probably already used by the Romans to trade. Along this path there are numerous Roman sites. One of them is, a little southeast of the train station Schattendorf-Baumgarten, a so-called "Villa Rustica". The Roman gravestones in the church wall of Schattendorf probably also belong to this Roman settlement.

On the way back you will visit the exhibition "8000 years of Schattendorf" in the shoe mill. Finds from all previously visited sites are exhibited and described there. In addition to the cremated remains deposited in a later decayed wooden box, numerous pottery shards were found. The graves can be assigned to the period from 700 to 600 BC. In 1924, the archaeologist Dr. Friedrich Hautmann carried out two more excavations. Two Celtic lance points and a sword from the Eglseeäckern as well as a Celtic post-burial in a barrow in the Hadspitzwald and a woman's grave with neck ring and bracelet (in the Natural History Museum in Vienna) date from the La Téne period.

Appointment: Anytime by appointment
Duration: 3,5 hours
Participants: min. 5
Costs: € 3,- per adult, € 2,- per child from 8 years, families € 9,-.
Equipment: Sturdy shoes, rain protection
Registration & meeting point: Schuh-Mühle Schattendorf, Am Tauscherbach 1, 7022 Schattendorf
Info and registration: or 0676/5741494 or ,

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