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3° / 19°

0 %
Wind speed
10 km/h
  • Saturdaymainly clear

    3° / 18°

  • Sundayclear

    5° / 19°

  • Mondaypartly cloudy

    7° / 18°

The Rochus Chapel on the road to Bruck/Leitha is also one of Parndorf's many special features and is a place of reflection and tranquillity for our people. It is a plague chapel from the first half of the 18th century, the time when the last plague epidemics raged in Europe. The small Baroque building has a high curved gable, and the facade has niches with figures of St Florian, St Rochus, St Sebastian and St Rosalia. On the aspis wall there is an oil painting of the crucifixion, which dates back to the 18th century. The chapel is dedicated to St. Rochus.

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