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restaurant "Braunstein - Pauli´s Stuben"

Purbach am Neusiedler See


-1° / 4°

6 %
Wind speed
10 km/h
  • Fridaypartly cloudy

    0° / 7°

  • Saturdaypartly cloudy

    1° / 8°

  • Sundaymainly cloudy

    2° / 8°

In the Braunstein Wine Inn - known to the Purbachers as "Pauli's Stuben" - the local population and the numerous regular guests from outside meet. And this is no coincidence. After all, reflecting on the regional qualities in connection with an openness to the new, to the accustomed going out, is the not-so-secret recipe for success that has been the quality of our endeavours for many years. To open up to the other and yet remain completely oneself is a tradition in Purbach. So we are pleased to serve regional delicacies of the highest quality in a cosy atmosphere! - made from Burgenland products according to traditional recipes - fine and deliciously prepared ...

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