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Public Transport

Neusiedl am See


5° / 20°

0 %
Wind speed
10 km/h
  • Saturdaymainly clear

    5° / 18°

  • Sundayclear

    6° / 19°

  • Mondaypartly cloudy

    8° / 18°

The Lake Neusiedl region offers a good public transport system. In addition to trains and regional buses, the public transport offer is supplemented by rental bicycles in many municipalities. Cars and bicycles can thus be easily combined with public transport. In addition, numerous park and bike+ride facilities are available in the region, free of charge for public transport users in Lower Austria and Burgenland.

Burgenland Card
Service Partner | 01.03.2025 - 28.02.2026

Free transportation on all public transport (bus & train) within Burgenland with the Burgenland Card.

ATTENTION: Bicycle transportation and routes outside Burgenland are subject to a charge and are not included in the Burgenland Card service. Please buy an appropriate ticket for the bicycle or any routes outside Burgenland at the ticket counter or ticket machine.

Fee without Burgenland Card: varies depending on the route

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