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Planetary walk amber



9° / 21°

0 %
Wind speed
10 km/h
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Can you imagine how small humans are in our solar system? Walk the planetary trail and you will know.

The sun, together with its 8 planets, is depicted on a scale of 1 : 1.1 billion over a length of 5.5 km, in exact proportions of size and distance. The starting point is at the main square, beginning with the sun - a work of art made of iron with a diameter of 1.26 meters. The models of the planets are hemispheres, turned from precious serpentine, each with the exact description of the planet placed on particularly large serpentine boulders.

The planet hiking trail in Bernstein leads you through our charming landscape, is not difficult and can also be done with baby carriages or bicycles. Please always pay attention to the green/white signposts "Planetenweg".

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