In 1763 the inhabitants of Güttenbach built a chapel in honor of St. Patrizius. In 1837 and 1838 it was enlarged by adding a nave and a tower. Even before the 1st World War, the church had become too small to hold the churchgoers. However, any further building activity was put on hold for a long time due to the war. It was not until 1928 that the decision was made to build a new large church in Güttenbach.
The present church is dedicated to St. Joseph. It was built in 1929 and 1930 by Prof. Karl Holey. It is a high, single-nave building with a round tower ornamented on the upper floor with a conical roof. On the south side there are two round towers. A wide flight of steps leads to the southern portal. The vault is a barrel vault with a high mirror. The interior decoration dates from the time of construction. On the high altar we find St. Joseph and Stations of the Cross in colored majolica, the tabernacle is made of brass.