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"Naturnest Organic-Shop"

Podersdorf am See


-1° / 4°

6 %
Wind speed
10 km/h
  • Fridaypartly cloudy

    0° / 7°

  • Saturdaypartly cloudy

    1° / 7°

  • Sundaymainly cloudy

    2° / 8°

We, Stefan and Tamara Pamer, have been operating a certified organic farm for several years, consisting of multiple components. Our farm includes organic free-range hens in mobile coops, an organic walnut plantation, an organic apricot plantation, and most recently, an organic sea buckthorn garden located directly on the shores of Lake Neusiedl.

It is very important to our family to live as sustainably as possible. However, we quickly realized that sourcing good regional food often involved a significant amount of time and many miles of driving. This could call into question the sustainability of these efforts. Thus, the idea arose within us to bring together all these wonderful products in our 'NATURNEST' - The Organic Shop at Lake Neusiedl.

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