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Museum of the Fire Department


moderate rain

4° / 7°

8 %
Wind speed
10 km/h
  • Saturdaylight rain

    4° / 6°

  • Sundaycloudy

    4° / 8°

  • Mondaymainly clear

    1° / 8°

The tradition-rich history of the Burgenland fire brigades is impressively illustrated in this museum by an extensive collection of historical documents, equipment, helmets, medals and awards, flags, steam and hand guns from 1753 to 1901 as well as pumps and vehicles from 1930 onwards.
The museum documents the great past of our fire brigades and preserves it in a quite vivid way. It is a place of thanks to the fathers and pioneers of the Burgenland fire service. However, it also shows the meritorious services rendered to our fellow man of the present.

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