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In the district of Unterpullendorf


11° / 21°

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10 km/h
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The geographic center of Burgenland is located in the municipal area of Frankenau-Unterpullendorf and was marked by the geographers of Burgenland by the "Mittelpunktstein", a basalt bomb from the Pauliberg in the Landseerberge Nature Park. Altitude: 284m.

The idea to make the center of Burgenland also an attractive destination for hikers and cyclists was taken up by the then mayor Demeter Kancz. On June 26, 1990, the basalt stone was transported from Pauliberg and erected. With a big celebration on May 8, 1991, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of Burgenland, the center of Burgenland was presented to the public.

If you turn in a circle at the center of Burgenland, you can see the entire mountainous framing of the Oberpullendorf basin, you can see a beautiful undulating hilly landscape, which shows itself in ever-changing colors in the course of the seasons, but you can also see seven church steeples from this spot, if you look closely. If you draw a circle with a radius of 1000 km around the center of Burgenland, you will reach the Black Sea in Romania, the Aegean Sea in Greece, Calabria in Italy, Marseille in France, Amsterdam in the Netherlands and the geographic center of Europe in Lithuania. This is located about 26 km north of Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania.

Centers can of course be considered as a pure result of a calculation. However, their symbolism regarding the identity of a region remains undisputed. (Source: Emmerich Gager, chairman of the Association of Burgenland Geographers).

In the immediate vicinity of the stone is the Donatus Chapel.

The way to the center point is well signposted and can be reached via a goods path - also with baby carriages.

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