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Home country house Stinatz


partly cloudy

7° / 17°

5 %
Wind speed
10 km/h
  • Fridaymoderate rain

    5° / 10°

  • Saturdaymoderate rain

    5° / 8°

  • Sundaycloudy

    4° / 10°

In the museum-like rooms of the Heimathaus Stinatz, one can see not only agricultural tools but also interesting items related to local history.

The Heimathaus consists of the following objects:

  • Residential house with a living room, smoke kitchen, and two chambers
  • Barn with a threshing floor and two storage compartments
  • A pigsty combined with an attached chicken coop
  • Kitting

The residential house and the pigsty are objects from the community. The residential house was inhabited by Johanna Grandits in Brunnenstraße until the 1970s.

In 1975, the board of the tourism promotion, beautification, and folk dance association decided to establish a Heimathaus.

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