In the main square, in immediate proximity to the Friedensburg, lies the former synagogue founded in the 18th century and the also listed rabbi's house. Today, the synagogue is considered the best-preserved synagogue in Burgenland.
The Exhibition
How can Jewish life and Judaism be represented? What makes a person, their surroundings, and their life Jewish?
The displayed objects and texts aim to present and bring closer Jewish life. The focus of the exhibition, curated by Mag. Christof Cremer, is primarily on the people. These include transferred stories, objects, clothing items, traditions, families, and family histories that provide insight into life at that time. In addition to the exhibition, the former synagogue also serves as a place of remembrance and commemoration for the Jewish population of Southern Burgenland that was expelled and exterminated in 1938.
The History of the Jewish Community of Stadtschlaining
The synagogue was the cultic and cultural center of the once large Jewish community of Stadtschlaining. Today, the synagogue is regarded as the best-preserved synagogue in Burgenland. The Greek word synágein means "to come together" or "to gather." The word "synagogue" originally refers to the gathering congregation. It corresponds with the Hebrew word Bet HaKnesset (House of Assembly). However, the synagogue is never exclusively a liturgical place but rather a religious, cultural, and sometimes social center of a Jewish community.
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