The noble brandies mature undiluted in a glass carboy for at least three months after production. Afterwards, the high-proof schnapps is adjusted to the ideal drinking strength with in-house Grander water.
Distillates must never be served cold. At room temperature (15°C to 18°C) the full aromas develop best. The full fruit aroma is carried along by the slowly evaporating alcohol and can only then be perceived.
BIFRA- Schnapps philosophy:
Under the name BIFRA (BIchl FRAnz) you can already taste 34 different noble brandies and 8 liqueurs and purchase them from the farm. Our noble brandies mature undiluted at least 3 months after production in the glass balloon. Afterwards, the high-proof schnapps is adjusted to the ideal drinking strength with in-house Grander water.
Special features:
The unmistakable BIFRA- taste of the noble brandies is continuously ensured during tastings in the BICHL family council. Each family member is additionally the patron of a noble variety tailored to him- or herself. Products:
In addition to the classic fruit, berry and grape and wine brandies, our customers will also find rarities of rosehip, speierling, dirndl, asperl, hawthorn, sloe, green nuts, gray poppy and porcini.