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"Burgruine Hornstein"


Fragments of ruins of a former Hungarian border castle from the 14th century.


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The Hungarian border castle Hornstein, built as a brick fortress in the years 1340 to 1345 by order of the Hungarian King Louis the Great, was an important fortress in the chain of border castles between Hungary and the West until 1390.

From 1441 Emperor Frederick III tried to take control of the castle, which he succeeded in doing in 1445 with the partial destruction of the fortification. From the second half of the 17th century onwards, the remains of the castle fell into disrepair, as important parts of it were dismantled by the local population to build their houses. From 1775 onwards, building elements were also used for the construction of the new village church.

Standing on the top of the fragment of ruins that still exists today, one has the explanation why this location was chosen for a fortification, as the panoramic view to the south and west is unrestricted.

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