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Bike Station "Nextbike" Wallern

Wallern im Burgenland


16° / 31°

1 %
Wind speed
10 km/h
  • Sundaymainly clear

    18° / 31°

  • Mondaymoderate rain

    16° / 23°

  • Tuesdaylight rain

    15° / 22°

nextbike - how it works

1) Registration for free

· App - get the nextbike app and do your registration via Smartphone

· Hotline - our customer support helps you with registration on the phone +43 2742 22 99 01

· Website - register yourself via website:

2) Rent a nextbike


· Enter the bike number or scan the QR-Code on the bike.

· You get the code for the combination lock via SMS or on the display.


· Call our customer support +43 2742 22 99 01 and say the bike number.

· Get the code for the combination lock via SMS.

· Open the bike lock with the displayed code (4 numbers), take the lock with you and start biking.

3) Return the bike

· Return the bike at any rental station within the region of Lake Neusiedl and lock the bike with the combination lock.

· Return the bike via App choosing the right returnal station and lock the bike with the combination lock.

· Or call the Hotline Number +43 2742 22 99 01 to return the bike. Leave a recording where did you return the bike. Tell us the name or the number of the nextbike rental station.

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