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at the Krutzler - Gourmet Inn & Hotel


mainly clear

-6° / 5°

2 %
Wind speed
5 km/h
  • Sundayclear

    -5° / 5°

  • Mondaypartly cloudy

    -4° / 4°

  • Tuesdaycloudy

    -3° / 4°

Come together, chat, eat, and drink. Warm, charming, honest, and loving – that's how one immediately feels at home at Krutzler. Hospitality that comes from the heart.

Indulge yourself and simply enjoy.

Your holiday experience in Southern Burgenland, where you find much more than you seek and delicious culinary art meets deep relaxation.
At Krutzler, where three generations still take care of your wishes regarding your holiday. Family-run for generations, down-to-earth hosts with a lot of heart and passion.

A house, a family, a long history. Tradition and values that you can taste. Delicious bites and exquisite drops promise sensual culinary experiences without pretensions. Time-honored culinary art for spoiled connoisseurs, served in a cozy atmosphere with much love and passion.

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